A downloadable game

Dive into the innovative world of Card Chess, a game that masterfully combines the strategic prowess required in traditional chess with the unpredictability and excitement of card games. In this engaging battle, two players take command of either the red or black army, with each face card serving as a unit on the battlefield. These units mirror the movements of their chess counterparts, navigating a 6x6 card grid that stands as the arena for this cerebral confrontation. However, it's not just a game of chess played with cards—Card Chess introduces diverse battlefield terrain that separates each army, adding variety and demanding players adapt their strategies.

Victory in Card Chess is a delicate dance of tactical positioning and the astute use of unit cards.  The ultimate goal is to cover both of the opponent's kings, a challenge that requires foresight, cunning, and adaptability. Whether you're a seasoned chess player looking for a new twist on the game or a card game enthusiast eager for strategic depth, Card Chess offers a fresh and compelling experience that bridges the gap between two timeless genres.

Card Chess is in the early stages of development. The game is playable against varying levels of AI or as local 2 player, but art assets and UI changes are coming, along with progressive starts and more serious AI. 


CardChessV005.zip 9.8 MB

Install instructions

Download and unpack into its own directory. 

Run CardChess.exe

Development log

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